2006 Newsletters

Newsletter Articles from 2006

As Yates Mill was restored, Yates Mill Associates published and mailed a paper newsletter to keep supporters informed on the progress and to share historical discoveries.

Here are some articles from 2006:

  • Forensic Photographer Is Helping to Document Mill Graffiti – By Sarah Rice
  • Tropical Storm Alberto – Mill Damage and Repairs by Jeanne Robbins

Inscribed on the inside walls of Yates Mill are numbers, tally marks, and over 30 different names of individuals written in paint or pencil. Some of the graffiti dates back to the 1860s. Some of it is hard to see with the naked eye and even harder to capture on film. It could fade or even disappear when exposed to the elements or touched by human hands. Volunteer Gary Knight, a former forensic photographer with the City/County Bureau of Investigation, is documenting these markings. Tropical Storm Alberto brought intense rains and flooding to central North Carolina and Yates Mill was engulfed in floodwaters on June 14th. The National Weather Service recorded 7.16 inches of rain. Floodwater raged over the dam and engulfed the flume. The millpond overflowed and water rushed through the log cabin and mill yard. The waterwheel turned out of control for several hours and was more than halfway submerged by floodwaters. Once the waters receded, damage was assessed. The mill building was left unharmed. The majority of the stones that support the waterwheel washed away. A gully three feet deep appeared in the mill yard. The June 17th corn grinding weekend was cancelled and repairs were quickly started. William Robbins and Brooks Burleson rebuilt the waterwheels stone pier with larger stones so the waterwheel could be operated again. The July corn grinding weekend was held as planned.

To see more information about the history of Yates Mill and the role Yates Mill Associates played in restoring the mill, visit the A.E. Finley Center at Historic Yates Mill County Park to see displays, view artifacts, and watch videos of the mill in action.